Study Online

Our online learning system is designed to fit around your life and any commitments that you have. You will still have all the benefits of learning and receiving your Certificate III and Certificate IV in Fitness but you will do it on your own time. This is really a great option for students that cannot […]

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Kaboom !! Boxing and Pad holding

Our boxing and pad holding course is a fantastic course to add variety to your sessions and add value for your clients! In this full day course you will learn how to throw 4 main punches correctly – jab, cross, hook and uppercut. You will also learn how to teach your clients to throw these […]

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Sales and Marketing

This is a fantastic weekend for personal trainers who really want to be busy and earn a very good living The weekend includes in detail an enormous amount on how to attract clients and keep them coming back with various marketing strategies There are so many ways of developing a large clientele and this weekend […]

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HLTAID003 Provide First Aid & HLTAID003 Provide Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)

The HLTAID003 Provide First Aid unit of competency provides you with the skills and knowledge required to provide first aid response, life support, management of casualty(s), the incident and other First Aiders until emergency qualified help arrives at the scene of the accident. HLTAID001 Provide Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation provides students with the theoretical knowledge and […]

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Ar’e Areba – Zumba Fitness

I was fortunate to complete my Cert III and IV in Fitness with The Inspire Success Academy of Fitness. John and his team at Inspire are great teachers, mentors and trainers. They motivated me and prepared me for my new and exciting career path. Inspire Fitness was by far the best choice I have made […]

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Testimonial – John Lu

When I enquired about the course with John – the college principal of Inspire Academy, he gave me hope, excitement and vision of becoming a successful Personal Trainer. I decided to take my chances. Never did I think I will learn and grow so much and my life will only become better from there. Throughout […]

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Testimonial: Mick Ward – Personal Trainer

The name says it all……….. ‘Inspire Fitness’ has inspired me to be the best Personal Trainer that I can be. John and his team not only teach you how to be a Personal Trainer, they motivate you as well. The course is fun, interesting, knowledgeable and well worth the time and money. They make you […]

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