Components of Fitness and How to be Truly Considered “Fit”
What does fit mean? This is a question that gets asked a lot. There are a few different answers as many people have a high level of fitness, many sports people are extremely fit for what they do, even certain occupations you need to be fit for that job such as a construction worker, but are these people overall “fit”?
There are a number of basic components of fitness and then there are more on top of those to represent other areas that are sometimes overlooked. The basic components of physical fitness are:
Body Composition.
Cardiovascular Endurance.
Is a marathon runner fit? Of course they are, in terms of their cardiovascular fitness for running.
There are other factors here though – power, agility, co-ordination, balance, muscular endurance, speed endurance
All of these together define the true meaning of fitness. A power lifter can lift something heavy for a short period of time but can they run easily for 2km? Probably not
When you study cert 3 and 4 in fitness you will learn about components of fitness and how to programme for an overall increase in “fitness” because to be truly fit you need to work on all of these categories and improve them all to get fitter.
If you want to become a Personal Trainer on the Gold Coast or elsewhere and a successful one at that, this is one of the basic fundamentals you will need to know